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When someone close to us is struggling, we pour our focus into them through help, advice, desperate intervention and other insidious schemes. What gets largely overlooked is how we, the parent, partner, spouse, sibling, family or friend, are affected by adjacent addiction. Whether your loved ones have passed away or are living near or far, whether they are on the vast spectrum of using or in long-term sobriety; this is your invitation to access your own deeply deserved recovery. Curious about what this could mean for your daily life? 

PIPSomatic, recovery support for family and friends of addicts and alcoholics.



Looking for momentary support from the affects of another’s drinking or drug dependency? Access 1:1 coaching, offered as a single or three session package. Imagine receiving the individualized support needed to stop just getting by and recover yourself. Let’s explore what causes our impulse to explode, escape and exhaust.


Are you struggling from the impacts of another’s dependencies or are you brand new to this work? Let’s come together for a 1:1 experience where we define needs, express with clarity and less fear, release hyper-vigilant tendencies and revive your desires. Receive the deeply needed support required to activate and sustain your focused recovery.

PIPSomatic, recovery support for family and friends of addicts and alcoholics.

To those affected, I'm in awe of what we hold. Shifting from feeling lost inside chaos to directing energy back to yourself, is possible.

I practice everyday. Having struggled in denial and bounced between confusion and heartache for years in the wake of a loved one’s substance dependency, I sought body-based recovery to navigate through the physical, mental, emotional and energetic consequences of addiction. From there, I was able to safely explore how adjacent addiction impacted my life, my desires and my present internal priorities. An expansive framework was composed as I broke out of my stuck place, recovered my dignity and my prosperity. I hold dazzling gratitude for these somatic practices and this mobilizing work.

Danielle is a licensed Embodiment Coach and is a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. 

Throughout long nights, years and even decades, we ask ourselves impossible questions like: Is there even a problem? What's wrong with them? Why is this so hard for me? 

What if, this whole time, you've held resources within you that, when remembered, fuel solutions and crack open possibilities. In the midst of it all, you now have access to a personal 1:1 support pathway to skillfully access dignified recovery and stashed away desires. Together, we’ll fortify your mental health by consulting with your body. This is your invitation to invest in your ability to not only withstand, but warmly welcome, possibility and prosperity. 


/COUNTLESS spirit brands launch /ENDLESS happy hours rage  /UNTOLD amounts of pills and powders circulate   /$7 BILLION is allocated for spirits marketing   /LARGE SWATHS partake in beautiful spirit-filled traditions   /MILLIONS attend boozy celebrations



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